Monday, March 25, 2013

On "Pelle"

Anyone who has ever ridden in my car has met "Pelle". I introduce him as the strangely dressed passenger in my car and I tell people to not make fun of him. 

Pelle is a bear, dressed in a full out hockey player gear with a flyers uniform. And he's been my constant car companion since my junior year of college. He's been through numerous campaigns, listened to me cry about boys and work, but all around just been there.  He has a story. Pelle was named for Pelle Lindbergh, a flyers goalie who died in a car crash back in the late 1980s. He was given to me by someone who I consider like a second mother. As we know, my mom wasn't always there for me. But Sandy was always someone who I never felt I uncomfortable coming to when I needed to talk or a shoulder. 

Sandy gave me Pelle after I didn't make my college team in my junior year. This particular time was harder than the other two attempts for numerous reasons, namely I re-injured my ankle and was scared of more surgeries that would take hockey away for good. As a result, I suffered a breakdown and went home from Elmira for 2 weeks.  I really considered not coming back to school. 

When I got home, Sandy had Pelle waiting for me. He's been a comfort in times of great anguish and pain. When I felt alone in the world and lived in my car through the 2008-2009 campaigns; Pelle just sat there not judging, just listening. In so many ways, he's been exactly what I needed through so many hard times. No advice, just an ear along with someone to hug and cry into. 

In the past year, Pelle has accompanied me to work every day. He's been in the car when I cried entire rides home and when I was happy. The poor guy has endured so many self help books and has been there for the complete Game of Thrones. He's been in the jump seat following a shitty trips to NYC and fun hockey vacations. But more recently, I have found myself crying my way home from work more often than being just content.  

In one of our recent "conversations", I came to a tough decision about my future. I'll have more news when it becomes "real" but I am going to make a change, a big change. One I should have made years ago but was too scared and still running. 

I'm excited to make this change happen...

Why Teddy Bears are the best best friends:

They don't tell you 
that you have bad breath.

They never borrow money.

They never beat you at checkers.

They don't complain 
when you eat potato chips in bed.

They don't laugh 
at your clothes.

They never borrow 
your favorite sweater.

They don't outgrow 
you intellectually.

They don't eat 
all your chocolate chip cookies.

They are never disloyal, 
critical or ungrateful.

They don't interrupt 
when you're talking.

They never tell you 
that you're too fat.

They don't get jealous 
of your other friends.

They don't hog the bathroom.

They don't embarass you 
at parties.

They never leave 
dirty socks on the floor.

They don't get sick.

They never say 
"I told you so!"

They aren't noisy.

They don't have fleas.

They listen to all 
of your problems.

They are always 
ready to give you a hug.

They always love you 
just the way you are!

~ Author Unknown ~

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