Sunday, September 23, 2012

On the "Right time"

One of my favorite movies is called "Love and Sex". The story revolves around the "right time". Yes this movie could fit into the chick flick category (so sue me, we all have our weaknesses). Over the past couple days, I have thought a lot about when something is the "right time".

Though this movie revolves around a relationship of two seemingly star crossed lovers, I feel like it applies to so many things sometimes.  What kind of stars need to be aligned for something you deeply want to happen, to finally happen. Are things supposed to happen when you are at the top? Or should they happen when you are at the bottom?

I have found myself realizing I may be able to have some of my wishes come true at the cost of others. I have some amazing professional opportunities that are in the works but my personal desires conflict with them. Mainly, I want to move to the west coast and get a "break" from the east. I also want to go back to a true policy job. Again, I can have one but not the other.

As I sat there a couple weeks back in a weekly meeting surrounded by people making fun of others and having their little inside jokes, I realized maybe its "the right time". I need to close my eyes and leap. Life is so fragile and things can be lost so fast, you need to believe in and love what you do.

Maybe its my "right time" or should I still wait?

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