Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Penis Majority

Just adding the DL e-mail to my blog of record.

As many of you know, SCOTUSblog (http://www.scotusblog.com/) and I become best friends during the time when decisions are handed down from the Supreme Court. For those who are uninitiated, that site is hands down the best non-partisan analysis of the SCOTUS rulings. I highly suggest when you have a question about Constitutional law and need a laymen's explanation, visit that site. Their twitter feed can also be hilarious, like yesterday when numerous people thought they were the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) and tweeted praise/distain
In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, we saw the one of the biggest FUs that conservatives can give to women. Lets also never mind that these same companies (Hobby Lobby and Conestoga) have no qualms about funding vasectomies for men. At least the last time I checked, most major religions say a hardy "hells no" to that procedure. No, we had 5 MEN telling women that their birth control is immoral. Alito's majority opinion shows no respect for something called science and how birth control actually works. Just because someone's belief is firmly held, doesn't mean it should be applied to everyone. Sounds like Alito needs to spend some time in a foreign country where his beliefs are marginalized (oh wait he watches Faux news where they tell him he is ALREADY marginalized as a white Christian male).
Reading Alito's majority opinion made me want to scream. So full of fallacy and what would be jokes of argument if they were not so serious. Justice Kennedy also seems to fall short. While it is understandable to defend an individual's right for freedom of religion, this is a company that employs people of various backgrounds. Having someone else's beliefs thrust upon you is supposed to be discouraged by the Constitution the penis majority claims to hold so dear.
As usual, John Oliver does a great job of explaining why this doesn't work:
I will leave you with that.

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