Friday, January 25, 2008

Kucinich Drops

Only question I have: Was he ever really running? My understanding from ’04 was Kucinich was everywhere in Iowa. This time around he had one staffer on the ground and no office. He cried foul when he was locked out of debates and events but seriously he wasn’t making any effort.

I know a great many people like Kucinich and what he has to say. I will admit he added to the debate especially when he was allowed to speak on the issues. He found a great many sympathizers in the extreme left wing of the party because he said exactly what they wanted to hear.

I say this with a great deal of love because I consider myself a progressive but I also consider myself a good Democrat. Kucinich is an example of how divisive the progressive part of the party can be sometimes. I don’t want to paint everyone with the same brush here so bear that in mind as you continue on. Kucinich has been in the House for 12 years, most of them in the minority. How does he not know way things work?! I feel like most of his plans are straight out of some pipe-dream of the impossible. Single-payer healthcare overnight? Out of Iraq ASAP? Please, while we want to see all these things immediately, they are not something that can be accomplished with a wave of our magic wand (or found in a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow).

I say farewell Dennis Kucinich.

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